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ICTs in Early-grade Mathematics Education in South Africa: A Learning Brief

ICTs in Early-grade Mathematics Education in South Africa: A Learning Brief

Introduction to the Mathematics Landscape Review

The review was initiated to explore how ICT could bolster Mathematics education, addressing longstanding performance issues in South Africa. The landscape review was commissioned by the Zenex Foundation and undertaken by CASME, recognising the pivotal role of technology in transforming teaching and learning methodologies.

Scope of the Review: EGM Programmes Integration

The scope of the review encompassed an in-depth analysis of EGM (Early Grade Mathematics) programmes that integrated ICTs between 2016 and 2021, targeting Grades R-4. This comprehensive approach aimed to understand the various types of programmes, including educator professional development and learner support initiatives, and their impact on improving Mathematics education.

Methodology: Research Approach

The research methodology involved thorough desktop research, an online survey using Google Forms, and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. This multifaceted approach ensured a comprehensive understanding of quantitative trends, qualitative insights, and technical specifications related to ICT integration in EGM programmes.

Limitations and Considerations

Acknowledging the limitations of time constraints for data collection and the absence of direct views from programme beneficiaries, the review emphasised the importance of contextual understanding and relevance. Despite these challenges, efforts were made to gather diverse perspectives and insights from various stakeholders involved in EGM programmes.

ICT Integration in EGM Programmes: Insights from the Landscape

The review provided valuable insights into the diverse landscape of ICT integration in EGM programmes. It highlighted different program designs, modalities of ICT integration, target groups, and geographical spread. The analysis focused on understanding the impact of ICT on learning outcomes, including improved teaching methods and learner performance management.

Pedagogical Approaches and CAPS Alignment

A critical aspect of the review was examining the pedagogical approaches used in EGM programmes and their alignment with the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS). The review emphasised the importance of fun, interactive lessons using games, manipulatives, and instant feedback to enhance learning experiences. It also highlighted the need for exact CAPS alignment while allowing for differentiation and remedial work to cater to diverse learner needs.

Data Analytics and Ongoing Support

The review emphasised the significance of real-time data analytics in monitoring program effectiveness and supporting educators and learners. Customised training, ongoing technical support, and differentiated learning approaches were identified as key elements for sustaining and scaling up successful EGM programmes.

External Change Agents and Implementation Challenges

The review explored the role of external change agents in supporting program delivery and addressing implementation challenges. It highlighted the importance of overcoming contextual factors such as inadequate ICT infrastructure, educator capacity, and ongoing technical support to ensure program sustainability and impact.

Recommendations for Effective Programme Design and Implementation

Based on the findings, the review offered recommendations for designing and implementing effective EGM programmes. These recommendations included aligning programmes with CAPS, ensuring hardware and connectivity provisions, fostering stakeholder engagement, and providing ongoing support to educators and learners.