Is your school interested in using a CASME Resource centre? Book a centre near you

Contact Us

Head Office

Pinetown, Durban,  KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

+27 31 826 2508

Suite 6, Three Peaks House, 22A Underwood Road,  Hatton Estate, Pinetown, 3610, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa

Satellite Offices


+27 31 826 2508 OR

08:00am to 4:00pm

Nelson Mandela Teacher Development Institute (Algoa College), Struanway, Strandale, Gqeberha, 6200

Port Shepstone

+27 31 826 2508

08:00am to 4:00pm

KwaXolo Steam, Mhlalandlini, Gcilima, Margate, 4275

Resource Centres


Mrs Thandiwe Khumalo

+27 31 826 2508

Suite 2, Three Peaks House, 22A Underwood Road


Miss Tebogo Qwabe

+27 31 826 2508

Canaan College, 17 Isilo Dr, Umlazi V

Richards Bay

Miss Sinenhlanhla Xulu

+27 31 826 2508

Unizulu Science Centre, Richards Bay Central

Resource Centre Affiliation

CASME has been operating Teachers’ Resource Centres in KwaZulu-Natal since the late 1980s. These centres provide teachers with access to laboratory resources with which they are able to demonstrate school-based practical work with their learners. According to the register of schools needs only somewhere between 5 and 10% of all public schools have a functional laboratory.

The resource centre programme operates on an affiliation basis. Each school that wishes to make use of the centre pays an annual R300 affiliation fee. Teachers and the school commit to use the resources and report on how they have impacted on learners back at school. This Resource Centre provides a range of resources for use by educators on a loan basis.

What we offer FET Educators

Physical Science Kits:- Vectors, Dynamics, Electrostatics, Electromagnetism, Electricity (Ohm’s/Joule’s Law), Light, Ripple Tank, Boyles Law and Van de
Graaff Electrostatic Generator

Chemistry Kits:- Acids and Bases, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Rates of Reaction and Chemical Equilibrium and Redox and

Life Science Kits:- Food Tests, Plant Water Relations, Photosynthesis, Respiration and Microscopes

Life Science Models:- Eye, Ear, Kidneys, Heart, Skin, Spinal Cord, Skeleton and Brain

Charts:- A list available at each centre

What we offer GET Educators

Natural Science Kits

Life & Living:-Energy from Food; Healthy Living; Food Types; Change and Continuity & Interactions in Environments

Energy & Change:-Forces; Energy Transfers; Energy Transfers & Systems; Heat; & Sound Energy

Planet Earth & Beyond:- Atmosphere & Weather; Changing Earth & Our Place In Space

Matter & Materials:-Properties of Matter; Properties and Use of Materials; Changes of Materials; Reaction of Materials & Chemical Reactions

Physical Science Experiments

If your school is interested in doing Science experiments:

  • Sessions are R50 per learner, per experiment and per grade.
  • Each school must have a minimum of 30 or more learners to actually cover the cost of the experiments.
  • Confirmation dates for these activities depend on the availability of the facilitators who will conduct these sessions.
  • Learners must be accompanied by their Science teacher during the session.
  • We charge transportation fee when we come to your school (based on mileage travelled to and from your school).
  • Lastly, the amount charged (R50) is applicable to all schools irrespective of whether the school is affiliated with CASME Resource Centre or not.


Physical Science Experiments

Resource Centre Manager
Mr Sizwe Khumalo

+27 31 826 2508

Suite 2, Three Peaks House, 22A Underwood Road

Book a Resource Centre

If your school is interested in making use of any of the Resource Centres, please complete the information on the form.

Affiliation Fee: R300.00 (Three Hundred Rand Only)