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Izimpande Zokuhanya

KZN Maths, Science and English High Schools Project

The Zenex Foundation has partnered with CASME on this 5 year Maths, Science and English High Schools project working with 6 schools in the Ilembe District of KwaZulu-Natal.

The project aims to increase the number of well-functioning schools that offer quality Maths, Science and English teaching. The Project will also seek to increase the quality of performance in Maths and Science and English in these schools by:

  • Firstly, increasing participation rates in Maths and Science
  • Secondly, increasing the number of learners that achieve bachelor passes with Maths and Science subjects 
  • Thirdly, the Project aims to increase the number of selected learners that achieve above 60% Maths and Science

​CASME serves as the lead agent and our  role in the project is threefold. Firstly we are responsible working with the School Management Team on instructional leadership. Secondly, CASME is responsible for the teacher development programme for Maths and Science teachers.  Thirdly, CASME is offering learner academic support, 

We are very excited to be working alongside the Ilembe District and the other implementing partners (ELET, Siyavula, Tsebo Education Network and New Leaders Foundation) on this initiative.